Wednesday, August 30, 2006

S'kali World Gallery Batch #3

MORE photos we've received featuring cutie-pies around the world holding the SWG poster. THANK YOU GUYS AND KEEP IT COMING! (and a big huge awwwwww for our little baby contributor!)

Batch #3

Attila the Hon, aged 7 months
Southampton, England

Chi and Kat, both 22
Ta Keo, Siem Reap, Cambodia

John de Keyser, 20-something
National Museum, Singapore

Ooi Gaik Ping, 20, Fiona Pang, 23 and Friend
Mongkok, Hong Kong

To view the full S'kali World Gallery Collection and find out how you too can contribute, click on "S'kali World Gallery" in the Links section on the right.


Jon said...

How come the baby gets a better spot than that Jon De Keyser fellow (he's 21 btw, ladies). I think he's much cuter, and probably deserves a post all to himself...

thisguysplace said...
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thisguysplace said...
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thisguysplace said...

that Jon De Keyser fellow is just another piece of ass. if they put him up as first picture, they'd be accused of selling meat on the website.


that said, am looking forward to a post solely focusing on Jon "The Ass" De Keyser.