9.25am Malaysian time, this morning (2 Aug '06)- Writer/Director Arivind Abraham and Associate Producer Bahir Yeusuff are interviewed live on air in a mini
S'kali segment on ntv7's
The Breakfast Show!
For the lucky ones amongst you that were still in bed (
and not at work like the rest of us) at this hour, here's the brief lowdown on what happened complete with pictorial aids:

8am- Arivind and Bahir watch
The Breakfast Show being broadcast while waiting their turn. Meet and chat with Lina Tan of Red Films, who is in the slot before them. Breakfast arrives after Lina pointedly asks
on air why there isn't any, "breakfast show summore!".
Thanks Lina :)

In the make-up chair. Bahir looking unusually content as he gets powdered, as Arivind (having just been powdered himself) looks on.

S'kali segment goes on air! Bubbly hosts Daphne and Naz seem genuinely amazed with the youth of the entire film's team and the quality of the clips and trailers shown. The cast is also noticed-observations include "eh, that's Azimy!", "that's Angeline Rose" and "ooh, J.Lo!"...
as in Jason Lo's cameo, not Jennifer.
10 minutes (or less?) later- segment ends and Daphne comes over to shake my hand, having seen me hovering with a camera. Our duo are hurriedly un-miked, thanked and wished best of luck, and sent on their way.
Whereupon we adjourned to Kampung Baru for some good nasi lemak. Only way to round off a full morning, no?
-Samantha Tan
i managed to catch it because i was late for work... i recorded it too! great job guys, and thanks Sam for the report :)
Bahir, you've become a media whore! You sold your soul to the man!!! But I guess you had tolah huh?...hahahahaha..Appearing on a stupid ass show with a bunch of dumb ass hosts, I feel for you mate, I feel for you.
Hey Arivind, don't forget to return the videotape u borrowed and watch out for the news on Cinema Online! - Chang Moh
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