Friday, December 16, 2005


I have decided against listing the days now as it is getting busy and I am losing track on what day it actually is since I got back. The work is coming in thick and fast now and the rehersals have been going really well.

The biggest breakthrough we have had recently is of course coming up with the title and one sheet for the movie which we are now keeping under wraps.

Of course we also just had our first comment posted on this site in relation to the simple synopsis posted on the blog. Already the comparisons to "Sepet" are being drawn and for a long time the team has been aware that this was something we were never going to be able to avoid, evenmore so when "Gubra" opens as well.

All we can say is that if you are going to watch this movie expecting another "Sepet" you are in for a big surprise.

Keep your comments coming in be they positive or negative as all feedback is welcome.

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